Friday, July 22, 2005

Last evening wifey and I were attending boy's weekly soccer game. He's a grade school kid, so it's a great thing just to have him out and running around interacting and getting some exercise. He's of average capability, but there are some phenominal kids on his team--so much so that the team has been dominating this year and are undefeated. Last night they were playing another team and beating them pretty badly. At about the 7/8ths point of the game, one of the mom's for the opposing team started running down the sidelines, shouting out instructions and generally becoming a "back seat coach," telling her child where to play and whatnot. Her husband starts half-apologizing to the people near him, explaining that "she coaches soccer at the blahblahblah junior high school" in a nearby suburb. This creten matriarch (these are 2nd and 3rd graders) starts shrieking out orders, confusing the kids, and generally not letting the coach be the coach. She lost track of the point of the game-fun. The team she was coaching was pretty good, actually, and didn't need her incessant "help." She most certainly deserves to have an Army sergeant scream in her face, make her do 20, and run laps with full field gear until she collapses and finally shuts the hell up.