Thursday, June 16, 2005

Some marketing "guru" at APC needs a beatdown. As a guy who works in I.T., I get a fair amount of junk mail (the real paper snail mail stuff is what I'm talking about here). APC, who generally make products I like uses a very aggressive and stupid direct mail marketing plan that LITERALLY fills my mailbox with paper. Case in point: This week, I got three 15 page flyers from them. The first once was addressed to me with just my last name:

My address

The second one was my first name and last name:

firstname lastname
My Address

And the last one was my first name and last name, except this time on separate lines:

My address

Dear lord, is there not someone at this company who has passed Mail-Merge 101? Do they even look at a customer database by address to see how much extra crap they are sending me? This is NOT increasing my liklihood to buy more stuff from them--after all, I'll just end up with MORE mail! Oh the humanity!

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